Carter Synergy

Leading contractor Carter Synergy is a 24-hour maintenance call centre specialising in delivering core building services to retail customers including Tesco, Aldi and Marks & Spencer. Providing round the clock support to businesses in the supermarket, pharmaceutical, hotel and catering industries, it needed a reliable, cost-effective connection that wouldn’t jeopardise these partnerships.

The challenge

Internet traffic was routed through the company's head office, which represented a single point of failure for internet services across each of its three regional offices. With loss of connectivity potentially critical, Carter Synergy needed a secure, cost-effective platform that could prevent downtime.

The solution

TalkTalk Business recommended robust, business-grade connectivity at each Carter Synergy site and provided a network design to reduce risk of connectivity loss at the company’s remote sites. As Carter Synergy’s IT team was small, TalkTalk Business recommended outsourcing some of the network management.

The solution also included an intuitive management portal, so Carter Synergy could monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time.

The outcome

Carter Synergy now has scalable, reliable connectivity that can support future growth. And thanks to the secure, seamless connectivity between sites, the business benefits from improved communications, more uptime and greater efficiencies. Business grade support means that Carter Synergy work closely with a dedicated TalkTalk Business Account Manager, and receive quarterly performance reviews. This also gives the business an immediate point of contact should any future connectivity issues arise.

"Our business offering is reliant on connectivity. With over 100 mobile engineers across the UK on 24-hour call to serve our customers, we needed a robust and reliable network design that maximises uptime across each of our sites. TalkTalk Business’ tailored proposition and service wrap has provided exactly that. And then some!"

Group ICT Manager, Carter Synergy (Part of Carter Thermal Industries Group)

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